Accessibility Services


bwin体育学院无障碍服务团队的使命是消除学习障碍, facilitate the creation of accessible learning environments, and champion equal access for the entire campus community. We do this by: 

  • Consulting and collaborating with students, faculty, and staff.  
  • Providing accommodations to students with documented disabilities. 
  • Interacting with students to determine individualized learning strategies. 
  • 为校园社区提供有关神经多样性和流动性的资源, sensory, and learning differences. 
  • Fostering student independence and self-advocacy. 
  • 在健康的各个方面建模最佳实践,以支持校园社区.

bwin体育致力于为每个学生提供他们需要的具体支持,以实现自己的目标, personal success. 鉴于各种各样的残疾和学习差异影响着大学生活和学业表现, 每个学生都被单独指导,以确定适当的资源和确定适当的住宿. 

Students with special mobility, dietary, housing, 或课堂需求应联系无障碍服务,以便及时制定住宿计划. Arrangements for services, equipment, special classroom or housing needs, 其他合理的安排可能需要提前几周通知.

Request Accessibility Services at Centre

根据1973年《bwin体育》第504条的规定并经《bwin体育》(ADA)扩大, bwin体育学院为残疾学生提供支持服务和其他合理的便利,以确保他们有平等的机会参加学院的课程和活动. 而bwin体育提供了一系列的服务,以支持所有学生的成功, 学院为行动不便的学生提供额外的服务, visual, hearing, or learning differences. 

Have Questions?

如果您想了解我们的无障碍服务和住宿的更多信息, please contact us.

Learning Differences: 859.238.6552
Housing, Dining, Service/Support Animal: 859.238.6035


Learning Differences

教室住宿是为需要特殊设备的残疾学生提供的, seating, testing adjustments, wheelchair accessibility and more. 学生提供证明文件,并与副院长和bwin体育学习公地主任会面,以确定适当的服务.

inside Cowan dining hall multiple food lines


Housing and Dietary

为需要特殊住房的有残疾证明的学生提供住宿, mobility support, and dietary considerations. 学生填写一份特殊需求表格,并与住宿生活副主任会面,以确定适当的服务.

Shutterstock image of service dog vest on large dog

Service and Emotional Support Animals

为需要服务动物和辅助动物的学生提供特殊住宿. 学生填写一份特殊需求表格,并与住宿生活副主任会面,以确定适当的服务.

Aerial shot of Crounse library first day of class

Transitioning to College

对于有学习障碍的学生来说,从高中过渡到大学尤其具有挑战性. 我们强调了一些关键的区别和策略,使这个过程更容易导航.

Requesting Accessibility Services

To request accommodations, contact the Accessibility Office.

Rights and Responsibilities


  • 患有严重限制一项或多项主要生活活动的身体或精神障碍;
  • Has record of such impairment, or
  • Is regarded as having such an impairment.” (Section 902, Americans with Disabilities Act, 1990)

确定个人受《bwin体育》的保护, 文件必须表明残疾严重限制了一项主要的生活活动. If academic or classroom-based adjustments and accommodations are requested, learning must be one of the major life activities affected. Documentation submitted must:

  • Be appropriate to verify eligibility,
  • 证明当前对一个或多个主要生活活动的重大影响,并且
  • Support the request for accommodations and/or academic adjustments

Please review our full list of documentation guidelines here.

  • Equal access to courses, programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities available through the College.
  • Confidentiality of information. 有关学生残疾的任何信息只与学院官员或教授分享,他们需要知道,以便提供住宿. 这些信息是保密的,除非学生选择与教职员工分享, and other students. 
  • 在寻求住宿时,及时向院长助理和bwin体育学习公地主任或住宿生活主任自我确认为残疾人士.
  • 从适当的专业来源提供适当的残疾证明文件,以证实残疾的性质, functional limitations, the need for special accommodations, and recommendation for specific accommodations. 
  • 遵循特定的程序以获得合理和适当的便利.
  • 培养自我辩护的技巧和动机,从而自力更生和独立.
  • 要求并维持所有bwin体育学院学术课程的学术标准.
  • Request and review, on a case-by-case basis, appropriate and relevant documentation of an identified disability, completed by an appropriate professional source, 核实残疾情况及确定是否需要提供合理便利.

如果文件不符合确定学生需求的必要标准,则拒绝住宿请求, is not provided in a timely manner, 住宿要求不合理或与学院制定的学术标准不符.

  • Provide equal access to courses, programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities available through the College.
  • 为残疾学生提供合理和适当的便利.
  • 保护与学生残疾有关的所有信息的机密性, except as required by law.